:. Output of 'tree /f /a' | | blat.exe << Blat binary - the only file you need - put in your path | blat.dll << dll version of blat, not needed by Blat.exe | blat.lib << used for linking to the .dll from another application | filelist.txt << This file | source.txt << Where to get the source files (http://www.blat.net) | +---docs | ChangeLog.txt << Version history | changes-194.txt << Version history before moving to http://blat.sourceforge.net | credits.html << Who has done what for Blat | examples.txt << Examples of ways to send mail with Blat | file_id.diz << Description of Blat for .zip files | license.txt << Blat license (Public Domain) | readme.txt << The Blat readme.txt file | syntax.txt << Blat syntax, created with "Blat -h >syntax.txt" | syntax.html << HTML conversion of syntax.txt | \---cgi blat-cgi.htm << Form example of using Blat for your CGI app & doc's on how to use it. blat-fail.htm << Example fail file blat-success.htm << Example success file